Media Advisory: AHA to Present Arguments Demanding Equality for Humanist Prisoners
For Immediate Release Contact: Amy Couch,, 202-238-9088 Monica Miller, Senior Counsel,...

AHLC Defends Rights of Humanist Inmate
For Immediate Release For more information, contact: Roy Speckhardt, 202-238-9088 David Niose, 202-238-9088,

AHLC Defends Illinois Residents’ Freedom From Religion
For Immediate Release Contact: Amy Couch, 202-238-9088, Monica Miller, 202-238-9088,...

SCOTUS Rules Racism Likely Affected Juror’s Vote for the Death Penalty
This post originally appeared on The US Supreme Court issued an unsigned opinion on January 8, 2018, regarding the...

To Catch a Criminal: Is Expanding the DNA Database a Crime Deterrent or a Privacy Invasion?
This post originally appeared on In a December 19 Washington Post article, “To Deter Criminals, Expand DNA Databases...

Organ Donation: The New Presumed Consent Policy
This post originally appeared on On December 12, 2017, the UK Government Department of Health announced that England is...

AHLC Stops Bible Distribution in Elementary School
For Immediate Release Contact: Amy Couch, 202-238-9088, Monica Miller, 202-238-9088,...