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Cooperating Lawyers

The AHLC Cooperating Lawyers Team is a coast-to-coast network of lawyers assisting the AHLC in its litigation, research, and other legal work. 


Interested in signing up? Send us your information at the bottom of this page. 


Most of AHLC's work is church-state litigation, but our Cooperating Lawyers come from all different backgrounds and provide us with invaluable resources that enable us to pursue our mission. Lawyers and law students who join the Cooperating Lawyers Team assist the AHLC in a number of ways. For example, we may contact a Cooperating Lawyer to assist us in finding local counsel in his or her geographic area for litigation that we plan on filing. Or we might turn to a Cooperating Lawyer to provide some advice on a particular area of specialty--immigration, for example, or intellectual property--that is outside the expertise of our staff lawyers. Or we may turn to Cooperating Lawyers to assist with research or other tasks. Cooperating Lawyers assist only to the extent that they are able, so signing up does not create any burdensome obligation. Whatever your specialty or whatever your geographic area, we welcome you to our team if you are interested in assisting.

If you're interested in our Cooperating Lawyers Team, you may also be interested in joining the Humanist Legal Society: A network of legal professionals dedicated to promoting and protecting humanist values. Learn more about the Society here.


Join the AHLC Cooperating Lawyers Team.

© 2024 Appignani Humanist Legal Center.

A program of the American Humanist Association

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